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Fangirl, Mary-Sue, Tolkienite, or Slasher?
Damn, can't misspell test.

1. You join the Fellowship! Your mission?
A. Stalk hottie elf.
B. Save em all single-handedly and get with ____.
C. I would never join in the first place b/c that would be altering Tolkiens work!
D. Pair up the Fellowship.
E. Make the 'ship bend to your every whim.
F. Ask her.
G. Kill!  Destroy!  No, not the orcs!  The fangirls!

2. Who would you kill? Hey, thats a website!
A. Fangirls. Less competition.
B. Anything that harms the Fellowship.
C. Whoever decided LotR shouldnt win the Oscar for best movie.
D. Arwen
E. Anyone not cooperating.
F. Hey, man, I don't even know what I'm doing here.  I'm not killing anyone and then getting in trouble!
G. I told you, stupid.  The fangirls.

3. Why do you like Lego? (If you dont, pretend you do.)
A. He's like, so hott!!
B. We're perfect for each other.
C. He has great archery skills.
D. I dont; Aragorn does.
E. He's so cute when he's running and screaming!  Unfortunetly, he's always running in the opposite direction of me.
F. I don't.  She does.
G. I will not pretend and make myself look like a teeny-bopper.

4. Why do you like Frodo? (I repeat)
A. His dreamy, adorable eyes
B. I'm a hobbit, and hobbits can only be with hobbits.
C. He was the ringbearer.
D. I dont; Sam does.
E. He gave me the ring.  ...Okay, so I took it from him.  Same diff.
F. It seems I'm stuck with him.  SHE got Legolas.
G. I don't like Frodo that way!  Geez, you don't get it, do you?  And neither does Sam!

5. Galadriel is...
A. A freaky elf who like, totally stole my hairstyle!
B. My mom.
C. A powerful elf who has Nenya, ring of Adamant.
D. Gunna kill Aragorn for cheating on her granddaughter with Lego.
E. Almost as powerful as you.
F. Gonna be mad at us for messing with her mirror.
G. Not any elf chick's mother!

6. You fall into Middle-Earth. You land in
A. Leggy's arms.
B. The council.
C. The beginning of the Silmarillion, so you can witness all of Tolkiens' works!
D. Mordor, when Sam kissed Frodo.
E. Wherever I write myself.
F. Wherever she dragged me.
G. No, no.  See, I don't land in Middle-Earth.  I stand back and laugh at those who do.

7. Merry and Pippin
A. Are so cute!
B. Adore you.
C. Are Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregrin Took of the Shire.
D. Are together.
E. Fear me.
F. Are being divided between me and her.
G. Have different personalities, people!

8. What 2 words would you hate to hear in the same sentence?
A. Legolas and baldness.
B. Legolas and dead.
C. Tolkien and sucks.
D. Gandalf and Gimli.
E. Files and deleted.
F. The and sequel.
G. Mary and Sue... or Fan and Girl

9. Your earrings are:
A Trendy.
B. Beautiful, sparkling pearls.
C. Nonexistent. There was no piercing of ears back then!
D. Hearts that say A+L.
E. Made from Nenya, Vilya, and/or Narya.
F. Who cares?
G. The letters MS with a no sign over them

10. Elrond is:
A. A jerk for making you stop chasing around Lego.
B. The elf who let you join the Fellowship.
C. Founder of Rivendell and owner of Vilya, Ring of Air.
D. With Isildur or Gil-galad.
E. Gonna die for back talking.
F. Okay, I guess.  My friend's the one who has the problem with him.
G. Not going to let any girls-turned-elf into the Fellowship, for the last time!

11. Wraith stabs Frodo. What do you do?
A. Bawl, then marvel at how pretty his eyes now are.
B. Valiantly "kill" wraiths.
C. Nothing; you know he wont die. Youve read and seen LotR 1,000 times.
D. Grin as Sam rushes over to him.
E. Type: "But then the wraiths ran away and Frodo was better for no reason at all."
F. Get in a good laugh as she starts crying.
G. Shake my head as the Mary-Sue tries to save him.  That's supposed to happen, doesn't she know?

12. Your age?
A. Teenybopper.
B. Thought I was a teen, learned I was immortal.
C. Old enough to appreciate the books.
D. Old enough to write guy + guy lemons!
E. If I told them, I would have to kill them.
F. As old as my friend is.
G. Old enough to parody.  (That makes no sense.)

13. What is your theme song?
A. Hit me baby one more time
B. My own poetic creation, complete w/ similes and elvish words.
C. The road goes ever on and on
D. Matchmaker
E. Immortality- the song has nothing to do with you, but the title fits.
F. My best friends.
G. I don't know.  Something by Weird Al.

14. Skills? Talents? Stuff like that?
A. Spying and screaming
B. Archery, sword-fighting, singing, dancing, poetry, painting
C. Was on Beat the Geeks as the Lord of the Rings Geek.
D. Frodo/Sam/Merry/Pippin
E. Getting Aragorn to put on a tutu and perform Swan Lake for my amusement.
F. Being the only sane one around here.
G. Killing Fangirls

15. What would give anything to hear?
A. Legolas to say: "U r so hott! I love you!"
B. Legolas to say: "Thank you for saving my life, I love you!"
C. Tolkien to say: "Im alive!"
D. Legolas to say: "I love you, Strider!"
E. Any character you like to say: "Dude, you rock."  Hey, I think I'll write that in...
F. Your friend to say: "Well, we're done here!"
G. Legolas to say: "I don't love you, Strider!"

16. Your alias?
A. Lego_luver
B. Talvalothriareniel
C. Tolkien_is_my_God
D. I_love_a-l
E. the_almighty_doom_grrl
F. sweet_chick
G. mary_sue_killer

17. I'll say a word, you say whatever you want. Earendil...
A. Wasnt that like, that pretty light thing Frodo got?
B. Married Elwing.
D. Sux cos he married a girl!
E. Is not here.  Perhaps I scared him off.
F. Hell if I know.  Ask my LotR-obessed friend.
G. Sounds like the kind of name a Mary-Sue would take for herself, even thought it's already been taken.

18. Fave acronym?
C. LotR
D. Yaoi
G. FGD (Fangirl death)

19. You'd die before picking your fave of these:
A. Leggy or Orli
B. Legolas or Aragorn, or if you're a hobbit, Frodo or Pippin
C. FotR, TTT, or RotK
D. Pairing up Lego and Aragorn or killing Arwen
E. Having the characters do something embarrassing, or scaring them.
F. Leaving, or bitching.
G. Parodying slash, or parodying Mary-Sues

20. Your sob story?
A. Make-up was smeared.
B. People in Modern-Earth laughed at your elven ears.
C. Did not manage to see FotR first day.
D. Learned Lego goes to Undying Lands, Strider doesn't.
E. Computer crashed.
F. Friend made a continuation of the fic.
G. Someone put up good reason for how slash could be possible in Middle-Earth.

21. Cheered up when
A. You got Lego's autograph.
B. A Lego and *your name here* lemon occurred in the following scene.
C. You saw FotR enough times to make up for missing it the first day.
D. You learned Frodo AND Sam go to the Undying Lands.
E. You got a billion reviews.
F. You got exempted from the fic.
G. You thought up an argument about the slash in Middle-Earth thing.

22. Horsey's name?
A. Crystal
B. Shadowebonyfirewind
C. Shadowfax. Why try to improve on perfection?
D. Shounen ai.
E. Bill.  No, I didn't steal- okay, I did.
F. Sapphire.
G. Crystal.  I killed the Fangirl, then stole her horse.

23. This strikes fear in your heart/ makes your blood boil:
A. Restraining order
B. Individuality
C. Harry Potter
D. Het
E. Nothing!
F. Flames.
G. Mary-Sues, but Fangirls and slash come in a close second.

24. Do you like Blind Guardian?
A. Like, ew! Metal? Ah duh, no!
B. Their lyrics are interesting, almost as nice as my own.
C. They sing Middle-Earth songs, of course I do!
D. Do they sing any yaoi stuff?
E. Ooh, more people to put into fics and torture!
F. That damn band she keeps talking about?  Maybe, if she would shut up.
G. Hey, not a teeny-bopper band!  Sure, why not?

25. Your first words when you landed in Middle-Earth?
A. "Like, OMG!"
B. "Wherever could I be? The fair forest of Mirkwood?"
C. "Told you it was real!"
D. "Heeeere, Leggy. Heeeere, Aragorn."
E. "Being a fanfic writer RULES."
F. "Why am I not surprised?"
G. "Well, it's only a matter of time before the fangirls get here."

26. Would you write an Aragorn/Legolas?
A. No! Leggy-kun is MINE!
B. My beloved Legolas would never leave me for anyone.
C. Tolkien didnt intend for them to be together, so no.
D. No, and here's your x-ray glasses from the tooth fairy. Of course I would!
E. Maybe to make them squirm.
F. She'd kill me if I did.
G. It's not going to happen, people!

27. How bout a Frodo/Sam?
A. Psh! Frodo is MINE, too!
B. I'd never put poor Frodo with another guy! Ergh!
C. Well, Sam's w/ Rosie, but Frodo and Sam go to the Undying Lands...
D. Eee! Ultra kawaii-ness!
E. Nah.  It'd be fun at first, but then Frodo would just start crying.
F. Ah, sweet revenge!

28. What about a Gandalf/Gimli?
A. Aaauuugh!
B. Aaauuugh!
C. Aaauuugh!
D. Aaauuugh!
E. Aaauuugh!
F. Aaauuugh!
G. Aaauuugh!

29. You ask ____ out, but he dumps you! What do you do or say?
A. "You jerk!" *slap*
B. *breaks down and cries*
C. "Okay, I'm not worthy to be with a Tolkien character, anyway."
D. "Okay, you looked better with so & so anyway."
E. "Where's that delete key?"
F. "What about her?"
G. *Puts the jerk with a fangirl*

Mostly A's:  You are a FANGIRL.  You probably like Legolas- for his looks more than anything- and tend to bother the Fellowship.  You're probably a teeny-bopper.  You have a very high pitched scream.

Mostly B's:  You are a MARY-SUE.  You're story is usually something like "Girl falls into Middle-Earth, joins the Fellowship, falls in love with Legolas."  You're very much like a Fangirl, but with more common sense and a serious story.

Mostly C's: You are a TOLKIENITE.  You attend Lord of the Rings conventions (or would like to).  Woe to those who insult his works around you.  You are cool with your knowledge of Middle-Earth, but can be very scary.  You would live with any character if possible.

Mostly D's:  You are a SLASHER.  You'd rather see Legolas and Aragorn togther than seeing either of them with girls.  You watch/read Lord of the Rings in hopes of finding potentially slashy stuff.  You like other slash too, like Frodo/Sam.  You hate Arwen to no end.  You're a Fangirl's worst nightmare.

Mostly's E's: You are an AUTHOR.  Lucky you.  An Author (not J.R.R. Tolkien) isn't just a fanfiction author.  You are all powerful and have total control of all the characters in her fanfiction.  You also can manifest yourself into the story- usually as a fangirl- and still be writing the story at the same time.  You have all the same powers in the story as you do out of the story.  You are the most feared of all of these.

Mostly F's:  You are a FRIEND.  Your Lord of the Rings-obsessed best friend inserted herself and you (cos you're her friend) into her fanfiction.  Either you liked Lord of the Rings or never really did like it at all, but she has made you sick of it.  At least the fanfiction.  Maybe you still like the book.  Anyway, you were forced to pick a boyfriend.  Except for Legolas.  He's your friend's.  Damn, he's cute, too.

Mostly G's:  You are a BASHER.  Or parodyer.  We're not sure what types of Lord of the Rings fics you like, but we do know what types you don't like.  You exaggerate the stupidity in Fangirls and the clicheness of Mary-Sues.  You also insist that slash in the Lord of the Rings is highly unlikely.  The word mercy is not in your vocabulary, as is evident from your parodies.

If I need to tell you that none of this should be taken seriously, I am worried.