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Of Presidents and Pimps

Abraham Lincoln was president... two years ago.  The guys at war were all presidents... two years ago.  The guy with the gun was president two years ago.  The gun was president two years ago, and his badge was president two years ago.  The three little kids were presidents two years ago, and so was the thing they were sitting on.  The guy on the horse was president, as well as the horse.  The horse was the famous horse.  All other horses were presidents two tears ago, too.  The wagons and wheels were all presidents two years ago, as well as the houses.  The two flags the guys at war were holding were both president two years ago.  The little girl was president twice two years ago.  The bar code was president two years ago.  The famous horse was the best president, followed by all other horses.  The wagons, wheel, and houses were all the next best presidents.  Of all the other inanimate objects, the bar code was best.  The humans were the least best presdents, but the little girl was the best human president.  When the little girl was president the first time, she was actually Shakespeare.  But not the second time.  The little girl's cousin was George Washington.  The bar code often got phonecalls from George Washingtons.  Abraham Linclon was not really Abraham Lincoln, but rather, George Washington, who LOOKED like Abraham Lincoln, who was REALLY Ernest Hemmindway, who NOW looks like Christina Aguilera, who stars on Baywatch.  Everyone and everything besides them and the famous horse was named Jerry.  The famous horse was named the famous Jerry.  The guy with the gun was a pimp, and so was his gun.  One of the guys at the tent was a pimp.  All the horses were pimps, but because the famouse Jerry was their pimp horse leader, he was nicknamed Big Mack Pimp Daddy.

'Sall one big fat happy inside joke made by myself and  friend in math class.  I wuv America.