Got Geek?
The most "tooth-grindingly annoying" words/phrases ...EVER!
I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

I saw a list like this at, and later on I realized, hey, I hate lots of words, too!  I should make a list like that!

1. Bling bling- I though this was the sound a banjo made.
2. God-fearing
3. Supposebly- Yes, I know it's not a real word.  That's why I hate hearing it.
4. "There's more than one way to skin a cat!"- What sicko would want to skin a cat in the first place?
5. Homophobe- A comedian once commented on this, saying that maybe "homophobes" who punch and start fights with homosexuals aren't "homophobic", maybe they're just assholes.  Seriously.  Next time I meet a homophobe, when we encounter as homosexual, I want to see them scream "EEK!", and jump on a chair.
6. Crap like "u r " blah blah blah- Are we so lazy that we can't write two more freaking letters?
7. Charlie- if this is your name, no offense.  But what kind of nickname is Charlie?  I thought nicknames were supposed to be shorter than the original name.  It has the same number of syllables and letters as Charles!
8. Casualties of war
9. Shitzu or however it's spelled.  Poor dog.
10. "S/he likes you!"- when a dog or whatever is like, humping your leg or whatever.  I'd hate to see what it would do if it didn't like me.
11. "Can I ask you a question?"- uh... well, now do I really have a choice?
12. "Needless to say"- Okay, then why are you saying it?
13. Popups.  I hate them so much I hate their fucking name.  How many have you seen actually pop upwards on the screen?  Well, aside from the freaky ones that have the close or x thing in some strange small place that's impossible to find... popups don't go "up", they just kind of appear there.
14. Sixth.  It's a bitch to pronounce.  Good thing I don't drink.  "Thish ish only my shikshth one, bartender!  Gimme a sheventh."

You can't tell me what to do, bitch!  I'll enter supporting content wherever I damn well please!  And... I want to enter some stuff here.  Hmph!