Got Geek?
I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

Story: The Hostess and The Hyacinth

Part 1-About You 
1. Full Birth Name: Roxelle Maxine Dawson
2. The name you write on homework or whatever: Roxie or Roxelle
3. Nicknames: Roxie, Rox, Rocko, Rocker, X, Ms. Puck
4. Most commonly used nickname: Roxie
5. Birthdate: 6/20/84
6. Birthplace: A hospital
7. Current Residence: Boston
8. Age: 18
9. Grade: 12th
10. School Attending Currently: Clique Central
11. Previously Attended schools: Popular Junior High and Elementary for Snooty Rich Girls and Prissy Mama's Boys.
12. Pets: Black persian female cat named Natty.
13. Siblings: Older brother named Thomas in the army.
14. Parents: Mom and Dad.
15. Hair Color: Platinum blond.
16. Eye color: Blue.
17. Height: Short.
18. Weight: Skinny.
19. Nose: Ski-jump.
20. Skin: Fair.  Okay, pale.  Whatever.
21. How many fingers do you have on each hand: Oh geez, that's hard.  Damn you!  Just kidding.  12.  I mean 10.
22. Peircings, how many and where: One earring in each ear.  Been thinking about a tongue ring.
23. Tattoos, how many and where: None.
24. Shoe size: Tiny.
25. Hair length: Shoulder length.
26. Sex: Female.
27. Screen names: roxie505, pucksgrrl11.
28. E-mail address: rocker @
29. Religion: Chirstian
30. What are you wearing right now: Jeans, black t reading "I see dumb people", red converse, silver stud in my ears, and a silver bangle.
***Part 2-Choose 1: 
31. AOL/Snail Mail: Snail Mail.  It's faster.
32. Britney/Christina: You're evil, you know that?
33. Pepsi/Coke: Dr. Pepper
34. Salt/Sugar: Salt
35. Glasses/Contacts: Don't need either.
36. Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
37. Rain/Shine: Shine
38. Tornado/Hurricane: Both
39. Hands/Feet: Feet
40. Hanson/the Moffats: Wha?
41. KoRn/Limp Bizkit: KoRn Bizkit
42. Smile/Frown: Smile- no, smirk.
43. Book/Magazine: Book.
44. Asleep/Awake: At the noment, asleep.
45. Butter/Margarine: Butter
46. Reduced Fat Food/Full Fat Food: Full Fat
47. Diet pop/Regular pop: Regular
48. Pop/soda: There's a difference?
49. Bomb/Dynamite: Dynamite.  It's fun to say.  DYnaMITE!
50. Eminem/Kid Rock: Kid Rock
51. Ricky/Enrique: Ew.
52. Spanish/French: French?
53. Shorts/Pants: Pants
54. Leotard/Unitard: Um... leotard?
55. Sponge Bob/Square pants: Squidward.
56. Water/Fiya: What's "fiya"? 
57. Purple/Green: Both.  Um, okay, green.
58. White/Wheat: White.
59. Rosemary chicken/Teriyaki beef: Chicken.
60. Tossed salad/Caesar salad: Caesar.
61. Seventeen/Teen People: MAD
62. French fries/Onion rings: Depends on my mood
63. Tape/CD: CD
64. Steak knife/Butter knife: Butter knife
65. Smoking/Non: Non
66. Fast-forward/Rewind: FF
67. Pen/pencil: Pencil
68. East coast/West coast: East
69. North side/South side: North
70. Tray table up/Seat back in the full upright position: "CAUSE I HAD MY TRAY TABLE UP AND MY SEAT BACK IN THE FULL UPRIGHT POSITION!"  So I guess both.
71. Live/die: Live
72. Barbie/Ken: Barbie.  I've loved her since I was a baby.
73. Aquarium/Ocean: Ocean
74. Hanky/Panky: O_o
75. Ren/Stimpy: Stimpy.  No, Ren.  No, Stimpy.  No, Ren.  Crap.
76. Popcorn/Un-popped corn: Popped.
77. Kleenex/Handkercheif: Shirt sleeve.
78. 7-Up/Sprite: Still Dr. Pepper
79. Bike/Rollerblade: Car
80. Black/White: Black
81. Headphones/Surround Sound: Surround Sound
82. Big Bird/Elmo: Big Bird.  Elmo is scary.
83. Black&white/Color: Also depends on my mood.
84. Cordless/Wired: Cordless.
85. Bottle/Can: Doesn't matter.
86. Eyes/Ears: One of each, how's that?
87. Jeans/Khakis: Jeans.
***Part 3-Have you ever... 
88. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?  Yeppers.  I knew it was true love.  Then they told me to back away from the Puck action figure.
89. Needed something so bad you can't sleep at night?  Yes.  That action figure.
90. Tried to find the words but they don't come out right?  No.  I have a way with words. 
91. Slept in a cloud? I dreamt I lied in a cloud.  'Twas comfy.
92. Been in an airplane? Nopers.
93. Jumped out of an airplane? Na-uh.
94. Heard of rhythmic gymnastics? *Blinky blink*
95. Read a book? Is the sky blue?
96. Broken a bone? Nope.
97. Had braces? Yep.
98. Made a shirt? Yeah.  It now makes a pretty decent rag to wash my cool car.
99. Eaten sushi? Yeah.  Yummy.
100. Done the splits? Yes.  Not easy.
101. Seen the space needle? Yes.
102. Seen the real Titanic (the actual boat)? Yes.  Wait, no.
104. Penciled your eyebrows? Ergh, no!
105. Been to Jerry's Bait Shop (you know the place)? Yeah, I've been there.
106. Been to Victoria's Secret? All the time.
107. Accidently told Victoria's secret? Told them what?
108. Gotten in a car accident? No, but someone flipped me off once.  I responded by turning the music volume up really loud.
109. Done something your parents told you not to? Alright!  I admit it.  It was I who ate two cookies that were supposed to be for the following evening!
110. Seen a ghost and lived to tell the tale? Ghosts are no prob.  It's the genies you want to look out for.
111. Lived la vida loca? Maybe I will once I'm out of college.
112. Done something stupid?: Of course not!  They're all crazy!
113. Dyed your hair? It was blond.  I dyed it platinum.
114. Pierced your butt? OUCH!
115. Had a good time? Nope.  Never.  *Is being sarcastic*
116. Screamed "STOP" extremely loudly? Sounds fun!
117. Scremed for no apparent reason? Doesn't everybody?
118. Acted really weird in a car (dancing obnoxiously, singing loudly, blaring music, etc.) and gotten strange looks from people in other cars, and just waved back at them?  I will now.
***Part 4-Who... 
119. Is your best friend? Hyacinth
120. Do you hate? My science student teacher, Mr. Ericson.
121. Hates you? Nearly all my English classmates.
122. Is the most hyper person you know? Me.  Or that one popular girl, Linda.
123. Can make their booty go duh nuh duh nuh? You scare me.
124. Rocks?  All of them.
125. Says WOOOOOOOOOOO? All of us.
126. Is the best? I dunno.  You decide.
127. Is the worst? Too many to name.
128. Is in the middle? That's weird.
129. Has fab abs? My bf, Ethan.
130. Is the most creative? David or Kurt.
131. Is the most responsible? Anyone but Kurt.
132. Is most likely to scream "GO REGION THREE" for no apparent reason? David, Kurt, or Miles.  They're like that.
133. Is a bad, bad girl?  Namie's brother Seiya.  Don't ask.
134. Really owns Joe?  Namie.  It's her pet fish.  But call him Joey, please.
135. Beats the odds? No-one, but Miles could Beat the Geeks with his hand tied behind his back.
136. Brings the consequences? The teachers?
137. Was the 1st President of the USA? George... Jetson?
138. Is Bella?  The cat I don't have yet.  Thanks for the name suggestion!
139. Says "se fwey ah New York Citay" No-one.
140. Is the Real Slim Shady?  Hyacinth.  But don't tell!
***Part 5-Deep Thoughts 
141. What is the meaning of life? To make people happy.
142. Do you believe in reincarnation? Hell yeah.
143. Why? I have seen it.
144. If so, what would you come back as? A cat.
***Part 6-Favorites! 
145. Color: Green or black or purple.
146. Smell: Mulberry.
147. Food: Fast.
148. Restaurant: Burger King
149. Fast Food Joint: I repeat...
150. Pizza topping(s): Pineapple.
151. Airline: Total Bastard
152. Song(s): Freebird
153. Brand of jeans: Lee
154. Clothes store: Hot Topic and Wet Seal
155. Pharmacy/drugstore: Big Jim's Crack House.  Just kidding.  I don't have a favourite.
156. Farm Animal: Horse.
157. Endangered Species: Are any whales endangered?  Cos I like all whales.
158. Sport to play: Anything where I can be out for a while.
159. Sport to watch: Anything with comfy seats so I can sleep.
160. Brand of shoes: Converse.
161. Color of socks: White?
162. Magazine: MAD
163. Book: A Midsummer's Night Dream
164. Number: 42
165. Radio station: Anything not country.
166. CD: Any Lynryd Skynyrd one.
167. Tape: Same.
168. Person: Shakespeare.
169. Friend: Hyacinth.
170. Cartoon: Gargoyles.
171. Commercial Jingle: "Two for me, none for you!"  I love Twix.
172. Cloud Shape: Fluffy
173. Color of construction paper: Green
174. Brand of pencils: Yellow kind.
175. Brand of batteries: Duracergizer.
176. Boy band: They're all the same!  I could say BSB, and it'd be no different than if I'd said N*SYNC!
177. Girl group: They're the same way.
178. Male solo artist: Jethro Tull.
179. Female solo artist: Madonna
180. Type of music: Rock
181. Real band: Now we're talkin'!  Lynryrd Skynryd.
182. Season: Spring.
183. Time of day: Afternoon.
184. Car: Cool ones, like mine.
185. House: Small ones, unlike mine.
186. Make-up brand: I don't wear make-up.
187. Region: It's all good.
188. Tree: Dead ones.  Or living.
189. Flower: Carnations.
190. Fish: Pet fish.
191. Bird: Eagle.
192. Class: English.
193. Outside of school activity: Going to a dance club called the Cat's Paw.
194. Size bed: Big enough so that my feet aren't fall off the end.
195. Precious metal: Silver.
196. Holiday: Indepence Day.
197. School: Not mine.
198. Romanian Folk Song: Um... that one.  You know, the one song?
199. Hairstyle: Marilyin Monroe ish.
200. Man: Shakespeare
201. Guitar: Any.
202. Banjo: None.
203. Latin Lover: I don't know.
204. Yawn: The bored in a suckass class "I don't really give a shit, so what are you going to do about THAT?" yawn.
205. Gum: All.
206. Candy: All.
207. Chocolate: None.
208. Luggage Brand: Riiiiiight.
209. Hair gel: They all work.  No, really.
210. Hairspray: Same as hair gel.
211. State: Massachusetts.
212. Country besides USA: France, I guess.
213. City: Boston.
214. County: America.
215. Planet: Earth.  Or Uranus.
216. Temperature: In the middle of warm and cool.
217. Kind of chicken: Hehe... um... fried.
218. Universe: That one.  This one sucks.  Just kidding,
219. Saying "Buh-bye."
220. Star: Alpha Centauri.
221. Letter:  Not X.  My parents were obsessed with that letter when I was born.  That's why my name's RoXelle MaXine Dawson, and why my nickname as a little girl was X.  Had I been a boy, I would have been Xavier MaXwell Dawson.  I have scary parents.
222. Word: Damn!
223. President: Thomas Jefferson.  (Guess what my parents were into when they named my brother Thomas?  Still don't believe they're weird?)
224. Drug: Flintstone vitamins.
225. Golfer: Happy Gilmore.
226. Infomercial: All of them.
227. Vacation: Spring break.
228. Hub cap: Whichever ones work.
229. Computer: The fastest one available.
230. Bridge: As long as it holds up, I like it.
231. Casino: None.
232. Club: The Cat's Paw.
234. Way to lose weight: I don't need to.
235. Temple: of Doom.
 236. Halloween costume: Robin.  My brother was Batman.
237. Apple: Red.
238. Watch: Rolex?
239. Muscle: I wouldn't know them.
240. Detroit playa: *cocks head to the side and looks confoosed.*
241. Shape of ice cube: Deformed.
242. Movie: Tommy Boy.  I quote that movie more than any others.
243. Excuse: "My cat ate my homework... Did I put it in a safe place?  No, actually I fed it to her."
244. Map: The ones on the kid placemats with the really easy games.
245. Hat: I don't wear hats.  They screw up my hair. 
246. Backpack: Kurt's.  It has more bumper stickers on it than my car sodes.
247. M&Ms color: "So I says red m and m, yellow m and m, they all wind up the same color in the end."
248. TV station: I don't watch much t.v. except Gargoyles and sometimes Just Shoot Me.
249. Shoe: Did I not make it clear that I like converse?
250. Boat: Titanic.
251. Chair: Recliner 
252. Room in your house: Bedroom
253. Hammer: Non painful ones.
254. Clock: Radio ones.
255. Ice cream: Vanilla.
256. Size of Ziplock bag: Sandwich
257. Garden Tool: Hoe.  Oh come, I know everyone's gonna say that!
258. Stewardess: Anyone on Total Bastard Airlines.
259. Dink: Come again?
260. Athlete: Bleh.
261. Stuffed Animal: My stuffed monkey Titania.
262. Cheer:  "Make those pussy wankers cry to their mamas!"  Yes, I did say this once.  They made me leave, but that was what made me famous for my foul mouth.
263. Soda: Dr. Pepper
264. Dessert: Vanilla ice cream with cookies, any kind.
265. Diva: Marilyn Monroe or Madonna.
266. Veggie: Corn?
267. Fruit: Cherries.
268. Ghetto: None.
269. Cookie: All.
270. Airline Meal: Don't care.  Buh-bye!
271. Beverage: Dr. Pepper
272. Mountain: Mount Rushmore.
273. Wrestler: Um... The Rock, I guess.
274. Frosting: Disgustingly sweet.
275. Eating Utensil: Butter knife.
276. Salad Dressing: French.  (I like French stuff more than I thought.)
277. Musical Instrument: GUITAR!
278. Meat: Chicken.
279. Bread: White.
280. Howie:  I don't really know.
281. Actress: Marilyn Monroe or Sandra Bullock.
282. Actor: David Spade or Samuel L. Jackson.  Mace rules.
283. Play: A Midsummer's Night Dream.
284. Type of dance: However I feel like dancing on the dance floor.
285. Thong: Ow.
Part 7-The Grand Finale 
286. Restate your name: Roxelle Maxine Dawson.
286. What's your age again? 18.
287. Did you enjoy this survey? Sort of. 
288. Why or why not?  It gave me some trouble, but otherwise did not suck so bad. 

As far as I know, I made up the screen names and e-mail address.