Got Geek?
I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

Story- Lady Lilith

1. things you do for fun: Piss off people.
2. person you hate most, why: I love everyone.  (But they don't feel the same.) :(
3. person you love most, why: Mab.
4. person you like (opposite sex), why: Mab.  She's my best friend.
5. person you detest (not hate yet), why: No one.
6. person you admire, why: Mab.  She's a bitch, but she does it with STYLE.
7. person who annoys you, why: I do the annoying.
8. role model, if any: Mab.
9. person you'd like to sleep with: Mab.  (She's a kill me.)
10. if you had a choice will you go to school: Fuck no.
11. bad habits you're trying to kick but can't: I'm perfect.
12. furthest you've went with the opposite sex: I fucked girls.
13. furthest you've went with the same sex: I fucked guys.
14. thoughts on abortion (but don't write me an essay): "Fuck that!  A women's body is her own damn business!"  -Jay.
15. today's youth: Is funny.
16. most inspirational song ever: Anything by Kurt Cobain.  Yay!
17: dumbest song ever: That one country song that's all "I wanna talk about I" or whatever.
18. sappiest song ever: I avoid them at all costs.
19. song you'd like your crush/boyfried/girlfriend/whatever to serenade you with: Dear God, don't let Mab sing!  We'll be doomed!  DOOMED!
20. favourite band/s or singer/s or both: Kurt Cobain and Kittie.
21. is the trendy thing cool: Yep!
22. do you cuss/curse/swear: Fuck yeah.
23. if yes, favourite cuss word: Fuck.
24. if no, screw you. (just kidding, but this isn't meant to be funny.) Really?  No!  I meant no!  Oh, fuck!  Fuck it all!
25. believe in life after death: Sounds good.
26. should the society shun homosexuals: Hell no!  How would I fuck guys then?
27. describe your perfect date (yes both person and place), or just a date you liked: Jess Landers and me, a bottle of wine, and the back seat of a car.  Except we were so drunk I can't even remember whether Jess was a guy or girl.
28. favourite lyric from a song: "I had an out of body experience the other day her name was Jesus."  It just sounds cool.
29. are you sexy: Damn straight!  (And not so straight.)
30. ever failed a test: More than I can count.
31. how many times: More than I can count.
32. school: educational or a complete waste of time: Educational, of course!  That's where we learn sex ed!
33. animals: love em or hate em: Wuv.
34. humans: love em or hate em: Wuv.
35. are you a tv addict: TV blows.
36. are you a teeny bopper: Yep.  I'm nearing my twenties, but I will always by a teen in spirit.
37. is hate a negative energy: Yes.  :(
38. goal/s in life: Fuck Mab (without her killing me afterwards) and get a lasting relationship with her.  But I'll try to be more realistic.  I want to bring harmony to the world.
39. latest obsession: Mab and punk music.
40. do you actually like cheating on tests you dishonest asshole: No, but thank you.
41. define bad: Mab.
42. shoes on or off: Off.  I like toe nail polish.
43. favourite place to chill: Clouds.
44. favourite things to chill with: Magazine.
45. i spend my life : In the clouds.  Literally and figuratively.
46. the thing/s you regret most about this year: Going out with Felicity Watterson.  All she did was look at herself!
47. will you ever finger screw someone: Don't give me ideas.
48. do you actually like children: I like all people.  Even kids.
49. describe your character in a word: Happy.
50. describe your apperence in a word: Girly.
51. saddest moment of your life: First day of school.
52. favourite book: Dr. Suess stuff.
53. for girls: guys with long hair, sexy or gross: Being bi, I guess this counts for me, too.  Sexy.
54. sarcasm: insulting or artistic: Required.
55. if you were going to die tomorrow what would you do: Fuck Mab.  I wouldn't have to worry about her killing me, cause I'd already be dead.
56. is life treating you well: Very well, thanks.
57. tell me, what's the deal with flowers?: They're pretty and smell nice.
58. a wild night out with your friends or a romantic night with your boyfriend: I don't have a boyfriend at the moment, so I guess the first.
59. what did's personality test said you were (if u haven't taken it go to ): Tests like that don't prove anything.
61. does planning ahead really work for you: I go with the flow.
62. the best telly programme ever: TV sucks.
63. is your life white or black: White.
64. whats your mental age: 16.
65. Things/people that annoy the living heck outta you: Close mindedness.
66. define good: Me.
67. what is the dumbest question you'd came across when doing one of these surveys: Any of these.
68. pro or anti social: pro.
69. ZEE or ZED: And I thought these questions couldn't get dumber.
70. would u rather be stupid or intelligent: Intelligent.
71. would you rather be shallow or nerdy/geeky: Nerdy.  But I can be pretty shallow sometimes.
72. does the face make the person: yes, and the clothes do.
73. would you ever wear a fur coat, why: Fake fur cos it's pretty, but not real fur.  I love animals too much.
74. would you join the army: I'd try to find other ways to help my side without killing the enemy.
75. are you neat or messy: It really depends.
76. would you ever eat a snail: Ew.
77. if you could trade lives with someone else who would it be: Britney Spears.  She's a slut, but she got with Justin Timberlake once!  Yum.
78. what is your diet like: I eat food.
79. don't you hate it when people don't put question marks at the end of every question: -_-
80. are you into labelling people: Yep.
81. are you a cheerleader/jock: No, but they're cool.
82. have you hurt someone and didn't feel sorry: I feel very sorry.
83. your worst habit: Drugs.
84. words to live by: "Live fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse."
85. if your crush smokes would you: We both do.
86. would you ever engage in groupie sex: Done it.
87. thoughts and feelings on groupie sex: Dunno.  Too high to remember.
88. does sarcasm piss you off: Sarcasm is my only weapon.
89. are you open minded: HELL yeah.
90. what type of people annoy you, and don't say you don't know cuz you do: You already asked something like this.
91. do you forgive and forget: Yeah.
92. if no, what about ultimately: Said yeah.
93. if you're a girl, do you hate it when people call you a chick: If I were a girl I'd like that.
94. if you're a girl, would you ever get a boob job: No!
95. are you understood: Only by Mab.
96. what words come to mind when you hear the word "party": People, fun, fuck fest, drugs, drinks.
97. dumbest proverb/idiom: Ooh, there's a lot.
98. who was the bigger genius, shakespeare or einstein: Shakespeare.
99. do you think a person's intelligence will deteriorate without meat: No.  I'm proof.
100. if you do you're wrong, einstein was a vegetarian. Cool.
101. speaking of which will you ever become a vegetarian, if u already are one will you ever become a vegan: I am a vegan.  (Most of the time.  Sometimes I can't resist ice cream.  So weak...)
102. thoughts on history: It's interesting especially if you're learning about when you're high.
103. define past: Not present or future.
104. ever been to asia: Where?
105. who do you look like: A teenage girl.
106. if you could kill one n sync member who would it be: I like them all.
107. are there any grammatical mistakes in this survey: The past six questions at least have not been properly capitalized, and I'm sure there were many others.
108. judging from the questions what is your impression of me,the creator of this kick ass survey: I like you.
109. do you like the sight of blood: No!
110. so far do you like this survey: It's pretty cool.
111. are you glad it's ending: Yes.
112. good cuz it's not. :P
113. are you a good student: I dropped out.
114. are you a good friend: I guess.
115. physical feature you like best on yourself: My lips.
116. do you know who silverchair is: Yeah.  They're cool.
117. do you know where singapore is: Where what is?
118. if you were given a billion dollars to have sex will you: I'd do it for half that.
119. do you know "proud" comes from the word "pride"?: I'd have to be a dumbass to not know that.
120. are you obsessed with yourself: I like myself, but not that much.
121. who's your biggest influence: Mab.
122. whats your comfort food: Cheetos.
123. do you like long surveys like this one: Fun!
124. we're ending, so finally whats your name, age, address, passport number, telephone number, fax number, pager number, handphone number, email, mom's phone number, dad's phone number, grandma's phone number...: Chris Lanidarc.  Call me Chrissi.  That's all I'm saying.