Got Geek?
I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

My friend's Lord of the Rings fangirl.  She made up the answers and I don't know who wrote the survey.

[The basics. FUN.]
1. And your name is?: Melglínien Greenleaf
2. How old are you?: Much older than you.  'Cause I'm immortal.  Most elves are.
3. Do you enjoy ham?: Glazed or smoked?
4. What color are your nails?: Black.
5. Are you familiar with the works of T.A. Barron?: No.
6. If not, why not?: I don't know who he is.
7. Well, you should be.: Sorry.
8. Don't give me that attitude.: *grumble grumble*
9. What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?: The kind that has instruments.
10. You like surveys?: Some.
11. What about opossum?: It's yummy.
12. Hey there, you're cute...: Back off, got a bf.
13. Would you like to buy a vowel?: What's a vowel?
14. What are you wearing?: What are YOU wearing?
15. If you are wearing shoes, what color are they?: No shoes.  They are evil.
16. Favorite color?: Plaid.
17. Least favorite?: Stripes.
[art and stuff.]
18. You like to draw?: Yes.
19. Are you any good?: In bed?... Oh, right!  We're talking about drawing.  No.
20. What do you draw?: Stuff.
21. You have any art archives online?: No.
22. Where?: I don't have one, dammit!
23. How long have you been drawing?: Longer than you.
24: Favorite medium?: Like a psychic!
25: Ever used MSpaint to color a scanned image?: Huh?
26: It's a bitch, isn't it?: What?
[personal info...Ooooooo...]
27. What's your sexuality?: Elves, men, hobbits.
28. Really?: Yeah.
29. Are you a virgin?: It depends on your def. of "virgin".
30. If not, when' lose it?: N/A
31. I should stop being so nosy, shouldn't I?: No, please continue.
32. Have you ever considered Necrophelia?: No, but I got Pip to sleep with Boromir.
33. What color are your eyes?: Black.
34. Are you single or taken?: Taken by Legolas.
35. Can I have your number?: Okay, ummmmm... How 'bout 69?
36. Have you ever died you hair, and if so, what colors?: Nope.
37. Are you pierced?: My ears.
38. Do people shout 'AMBIDEXTEROUS' at you constantly?: Nope.
[Random crap. Although I guess this could all be random..]
39. Arrrrr...: Are you a pirate?
40. What words do you overuse?: Sex.
41. What style is your hair?: Long.
42. I'm not stopping till I get to 50. Are you bored yet?: So?
43. rrr.: Grrrrr.
44. Emily: What would jeebus do?: The heck?
45. Emily: What if god was one of us? Just a slob like one of us?: I'd be sad.
46. Are we there yet?: Nope.
47. Do you suck?: Who, or what?
48. If it's not scottish, it's krap, right?: Aye!
49. No, seriously.: AYE!
50. THE END. Be happy.: NOOOOOOOO!
51. I LIED. it isnot the end.: Yeah!
52. I am dondon love me well.: Okay.  Just don't tell Lego.
53. Will you marry my foot?: Nope.
54. how much do you weigh?: Enough.
55. DO YOU LOVE ME?: Yes!
56. Give us a kiss.: Us!  Gollum, go away!
57. You shave?: No.
58. How often?: Never.
59. Got any really weird nicknames?: Nope.
60. Pick the weirdest name and explain it to me.: Gimli.  I can't.
61. I'm FEELING LUCKY.: Then jump off a bridge and see if you live!
62. How do you feel about Scythekitten of the VCL?: N/A
63. HAPPY SUMOOOOO.: I see you've seen Goldmember.
64. So come here often?: Nope.
65. You ever have REEEALLY weird dreams?: Yes.  Kinky, weird, sex dreams.
66. Do you like Johnny Quest?: Nope.
67. Are you sexa'?: Hell yeah!
68. Grr, baybeee..: Hey, only Lego can do that.
69. Does this number make you laugh?: Nope.
70. Do you like school?: I don't go; I've served my punishment.
71. Why or why not?: N/A
72. Do you hate preppies?: Yup.
73. Um..why?: They smell weird.
74. Do you know what a quasiplasmoyd is?: Nope.
75. What is it then, genious?: N/A
76. APRICOTS!!: Riiight.  They make me fart.
77. Foosh: Sounds like swoosh!
78. Does the phrase 'Llamabing' have any significance to you?: LLAMA!
79. If you're happy and you know it clap your hands!: *stands around*
80. EIGHTY. Yeahbaby.: You're 80!
81. Do you like slurpies?: Aren't those like loogies!
82. Do you like emo?: What?
83. What about Nu-metal?: Who?
84. Do you love me?: Maybe.
85. Do you hunt and peck type or use home rows?: Phone home!
86. Do you believe in love after love?: Yes, and smoking after sex.
87. Do you believe in god?: I dunno.
88. How about the devil?: I dunno.
89. Do you worship the devil?: Nope.
90. Why?: Cause I said so.
91. Do you like ostriches?: They're in "Dude, Where's my Car?"!  Or were they llamas?
92. What about Steve Irwin?: BITCH!
93. Accents or no accents?: Accents.
94. WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?: Yes, what about the children?
95. You make me sick.: Thank you.
96. Ich w?nsche mich war ein oscar mayer weiner.: I don't.
97. Will you marry me?: Nope.
98. Didn't I already ask you that?: That was your foot.
99. CHACACHACA: 1, 2,
100. HELL YEAH. You're done. What're you gonna do now?: Go have wild sex.