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I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

My Harry Potter fangirl

1. How would you describe yourself politically? Where I come from, any male can be president on Thursdays, and all the women are countesses in every June, and on Leap Year Day the dogs...
2. Are you Conservative or Liberal and why? Liberal!
3. What wars have been fought during your lifetime? How did you feel about them? No wars!  :P
4. What U.S. President have you admired the most and why? Um... I dunno.  Clinton... I guess.
5. As you see it, what are the biggest problems that face our nation and how do you think they could be solved? I don't live in the same nation as you.  I don't even know you, man!
6. What church, if any, do you attend regularly? Church of Lunacy.
7. Describe your religious beliefs. Um... we were sent to Earth to be weird as possible.  Yeah.  Okay, I don't know.
8. Do you believe in an after life? I don't know.
9. What was the most stressful experience that you ever lived through? What helped you get through it? I had to be in a duel with a classmate.  That was stressful.  I got out of it when I ran out of spells and threw my wand at her head.
10. How tall are you? Very tall.
11. What color is your hair? Light brown.
12. What color are your eyes? Light blue.
13. Where have you lived? I don't know, and here, in England, where I am now.
14. Why are you living where you are today? So  can go to Hogwarts.
15. Do you wish you lived somewhere else (If so, where would it be)? No.  Here is fine.
16. Describe your general health. LOONEY!
17. What major illnesses or health problems do you remember having? LOOOOOOOOOOOONEY!
19. What do you do regularly for exercise? Heheh, wouldn't you like to know.
20. Do you have any bad habits now or in the past? What were they? I throw stuff at people.
21. Have you ever been the victim of a crime? What happened? Not the victim, no.
22. Have you ever been in a serious accident? Not that I can recall.
23. Has anyone ever saved your life? Describe. Nopers.
24. Have you ever saved anyone else's life? Describe. Nowaypers.
25. Have you ever been hospitalized? If so, what for? Lunacy.
26. Have you ever had surgery? If so, what for? Lobotomy.
27. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? My hair would stay in its braid.
28. Have you ever had an experience that you would consider to be super-natural or psychic? Did you ever know something was going to happen before it actually did? What was it? I knew Sev- er, Prof. Snape was gunna give me detention when I threw my crumpled up paper airplane at him- he wasn't responding to the airplanes- and he did!  Freaky, no?  Well, that was kind of what I was trying to do, but whatever.  I didn't KNOW it was gunna happen, I just WANTED it to, see?
29. What do you usually dream about? Severus.
30. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you personally? I was walking through the halls for no reason, and I ran into McGonagall.  Literally!  I had a nicer encounter when I ran into Fluffy's room.
31. What kinds of musical instrument(s) have you learned to play? Triangle and cymbal.
32. Would you consider yourself creative? Sure.
33. What things have you made that others have enjoyed? A slingshot, a miniture catapult, and a miniture guillotine.  And ever since I found that boulder just laying in the street, I've been working on a big-ass catapult.  Now if I could just find someone to throw it at...
34. How would you describe your sense of humor? Weird.  Freaky.
35. What is the funniest practical joke you ever played on anyone? I used the shrinking curse thing on Draco's nads.
36. What are your hobbies? Throwing stuff (at people), stalking Sev, making fun of surnames, doing things with/to Sev that will not be listed...
37. What did you like to do when you were not working? First, I'm not out of school.  Second, there is no second.
38. What is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to you? I got into Slytehrin.
39. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? I almost got into Hufflepuff.
40. Have you ever met any famous people? Describe what happened. I met the Harry Potter cast.  They ran.
41. What organizations and groups have you belonged to? SPIT (Society of the Protection of Ignorant Trolls) and SWALLOW (Society of Witches Acheiving Low, Low, OWls.)
42. Have you ever won any special awards or prizes as an adult? What were they for? I am not an adult.
43. Describe a time and place when you remember feeling truly at peace and happy to be alive. Where were you and what were you doing? Eating candy cigarettes after sex.  (I am not allowed to smoke.)
44. What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited and what was it like? Sev's bedroom.  He likes black more than I do!
45. What is the longest trip that you have ever gone on? Where did you go? SOMEone left their book right on top of the steps, and needless to say, I fell down them.  So, that was my longest trip.
46. What has been your favorite vacation? Where did you go and why was it special? I don't know.
47. What was the favorite place you ever visited and what was it like? Hogwarts.  Read or watch Harry Pothead if you want to know.
48. What pets have you had? I have a cat named Serenity and an owl named Bianca.
49. Is there anything you have always wanted to do, but haven't? Threesome Japanese twins- wait, that's what Austin Powe- nevermind... um, I don't know.
50. What is your favorite style of music? Dance and techno and punk.
51. What is your favorite musical instrument? Electric guitar.
52. Who is your favorite musical group? Daft Punk.
53. What is your favorite song? Any of theirs.
54. Who is your favorite singer? I told you, I like Daft Punk.  That's the only singer/group I really like that I really know.  I think.
55. Who is your favorite movie star? Alan Rickman, was there any doubt?
56. What is your favorite movie? Harry Pothead.
57. Who is your favorite artist? Picasso.  I was his model.  Just kidding.
58. What is your favorite painting? All of them.
59. Who is your favorite poet? Edgar Allan Poe.  {Note from GirlMeowth- Everyone of my characters must like Edgar Allan Poe a/o Emily Dickinson a/o William Shakespeare or they will die.}
60. What is your favorite poem? The Raven.  Yay!  I'm trying to write a spoof of it for my owl.
61. What is your favorite TV program? I don't watch TV.  I'm dumb enough.
62. Who is your favorite author? J.K. Rowling and Edgar Allan Poe.
63. What is your favorite book? Harry Potter.  All seven.  Even though I've only read four.
64. What is your favorite season? Fall.  Means school.
65. What is your favorite tree? Don't care.
66. What is your favorite flower? Don't care.
67. What is your favorite holiday? Um... New Years.  Cos you can be we-yeird!
68. What is your favorite color? Black and dark grey.
69. What is your favorite sport? Quidditch.
70. Who is your favorite athlete? Vicky Krum.  (Hehe!)
71. What is your favorite animal? Cats.
72. What is your favorite meal? Breakfast.
73. What is your favorite fruit? Fruitcake.
74. What is your favorite vegetable? Corn?
75. What is your favorite candy? Sugar stick things... what are those...?
76. What is your favorite cookie? Any with sprinkles.
77. What is your favorite drink? Any with sprinkles.
78. What is your favorite restaurant? Any with sprinkles.
79. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? Any with sprinkles.
80. What is your favorite board game? Any with sprinkles.  Or chess.
81. What is your favorite card game? Any with sprinkles.