Got Geek?
Stuff that I am
I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go.

I'm exceptionally artistic! Find your soul type at
% where do you LIVE?

Bizarre Traum Heffalump

Bizarre Heffalump

Soundtrack to your life:
N.I.N. - Down in it

Favourite website:

People are strange, why make an exception ?

Certified Personality Test result.

Check it out, man! Can you top this, mortal?
I am 23% evil.
Take the test ::

Test, test?

what adjective are you?
quiz by maikamariel

I'm strange!
How much of a freak are you?

take the "what's my fault" quiz.
(and then browse around because laura is cool.)

take the antisocial test.
and go to because laura's feeling social.

What's Your Style? Find out @ She's Crafty Leapin' Lizards, you're aCHAMELEON! Your answers show a keen awareness of your place, coupled with real social insight. When it comes toblending in, you're probably a pro. Chameleons are masters of disguise and can fit into any social situation or group. Able to change your colors at a moment's notice, you adapt quickly to changing moods, conversations and attitudes. This special power makes you the perfect candidate for a life in espionage, acting or simple social climbing. Sound exciting? An unassuming air, well-practiced charm and a fine eye for human behavior are your tickets to success. If you want to dive headlong into the role of the chameleon, you'd better stock up on theater make-up, acting books, outfits, fake noses and reversible jackets. Practice your skills by crashing parties and trying to fit in. When the hostess swears that she's met you before, you'll knowyou're ready for the big time. Chances are good that if you use all your innate chameleon skills, you'll go far. Good luck!
Which tarot card are you?

Which Angel would you be?
Ertai of Tolaria, Wizard Adept "That's the difference between you and me: 'Can't' is not a word you'll hear me say." --Ertai Well, you're certainly full of yourself, aren't you? Not that it's a bad thing, but it likely ensures that you don't have all that many friends - those that endure you, however, are propably very good ones. You're undoubtetly talented and you revel in what you do best - and why shouldn't you? You prefer being honest over being polite. Your talent will reap you many rewards, your blunt honesty will reap you many beatings - but if you can survive both, you'll come out on top.
Take the Weatherlight ~ Rath Cycle test!

Which Woman of Beauty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

You Are A Mage
Take the World of Darkness Quiz
by David J Rust

Find your Role-Playing Stereotype at [Angel.]

See which Greek Goddess you are.

find your element at <º>

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by !

A GREEN Dragon Lies Beneath!

I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Green Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the embodiment of Nature and the Earth. Greens spend almost all of their time below the canopy or just above the treetops in tropical rain forests. Not a bad life considering every other creature in the forest looks up to me, figuratively and literally. I speak the language of every animal and plant in my domain and know most of them by first name. If people mess with my forests, I'm more than happy to wail on their puny butts. Because of my protector/caretaker role, I am the Earth Elemental dragon.

Naturally my whole life pretty much revolves around the other couple million species I keep an eye on, but that's not my whole dragon. I also like to like to impose my steadfast will on others, commune with Nature, and lobby governments for alternative fuels and conservation. My favorable attributes are gemstones, mountains, caves, soil, respect, endurance, responsibility, prosperity, and purpose in life. Folks shouldn't get the idea I'm a hippy pushover though, because my breath weapon is a nasty Fire/Acid combination. Maybe I should invest in a hemp shirt reading "Don't knock my smock, or I'll clean your clock." *wink*

I'm a Fire Spirit

Go Faeries!!
Take the What Faery Are You? Quiz!
This quiz was made by lia

What kith are you? Find out here.

What alien are you? test by koolerthanjesus

Also known widely as the Fire Bird, the phoenix is a profound symbol of the circle of life. It has a life cycle of 500 to 600 ears and after that amount of time, it sets itself on fire and dies in the flames. Then after three days, it rises again from the ashes. It is a completely benign creature who lives in dew. It is said that the phoenix has a beautiful melidous song which grows ever more mournful as its life comes to an end. It is a symbol of the sun and immortality. The phoenix is a very worthwhile beast.
What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!

I Am A: Lawful Good Elf Ranger Bard

Lawful Good characters are the epitome of all that is just and good. They believe in order and governments that work for the benefit of all, and generally do not mind doing direct work to further their beliefs.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.

Primary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.

Secondary Class:
Bards are the entertainers. They sing, dance, and play instruments to make other people happy, and, frequently, make money. They also tend to dabble in magic a bit.

Mielikki is the Neutral Good goddess of the forest and autumn. She is also known as the Lady of the Forest, and is the Patron of Rangers. Her followers are devoted to nature, and believe in the positive and outreaching elements of it. They use light armor, and a variety of weapons suitable for hunting, which they are quite skilled at. Mielikki's symbol is a unicorn head.

Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy ofNeppyMan (e-mail)