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Story- The Tale of Elidia the Sexless

..::The Crap::..
1) Name- Elidia
2) Nickname- It
3) Age- 16
4) B*day- Jul 5
5) Zodiac- Who cares?
6) Weight- Some
7) Height- Tallish

8) What is your favorite color- Blacky purple, or purpley black
9) What is the color of your room- Gray
10) What is the color of your hair- Black with purple tips
11) What color are your eyes- Light brown
12) What color shirt are you wearing now? Off-white

13) What is your fave animal/ pet- Monkeys
14) What's your fave breed of that pet- All
15) Do you enjy playing with animals- Sometimes
16) If you could be an animal, what would it be and why- A monkey-sloth hybrid

17) What is your fave movie & why- B-movies rawk
18) What movie makes you laugh the most- Read above.
19) What movie makes you cry the most- A lot.
20) What movie freaks you out the most- None.
21) What is your favorite kind of movie- I told you.
22) What kind of movie do you dislike- I dunno.  Teenybopper.

23) What is your favorite tv show & why- Trigger Happy- weirdly funny.
24) Do you watch Day talk shows (Operah, Jerry Springer, etc..)Why or Why Not- When I'm bored.
25) Soap Operas why or why not- No.  Too lame.
26) Do you watch Late tak shows (Jay Leno, Conan, Letterman..etc) why or why not- When I'm bored
27) What tv show should they have not taken off- Beats me.
28) What tv show should they take off- Dawson's a creep.  I mean...

24) Who is your fave celebrity why- Clark Gable.  No, Marilyn Monroe.  No, Charlie Chaplin...
25) Which celeb do you dislike why- Anna Nichole.
26) If you could trade spots with a celeb, who would you choose and why- I dunno.  Heath Ledger, I guess.  He's purty.
27) Would you ever consider being a celebrity why or why not- I'd like to be in an underground movie, but that's it.
28) Who is your fave actor- Heath Ledger
29) Actress- Kirsten Dunst
30) Have u ever gotten an autograph from a celeb if so, who- Nope
31) Have you met any celebs who? Nope
32) Who is your favorite singer and why- Type O Negative
33) Who is your favorite band and why- Type O Negative
34) What is your fave cd and why- Type O Negative
35) What kind of music do your prefer- Stuff.
36) What music do you hate- Pop
37) Favorite Radio Station- Um...
38) Do you watch music videos- Yup
39) What is your favorite song and 0- Uh...

39) Do you have mac or a pc, do you like it- PC, but it's absolete
40) Do you stay on the internet alot- I get on when I can
41) How often do you get on your computer- I get on when I can
42) What is your favorite site- Deadjournal
43) What is your site url-
44) What is your fave computer game- Doom

..::Video Games::..
45) What is your favorite game console- Old school nintendo
46) What is yoru favorite video game- Duck hunt
47) Who is your fave game hero- All of them
48) Who is your fave character, what game- Hmm...
49) Which console should they bring back- Don't care.