Got Geek?
I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

My Lord of the Rings fangirl

1. What came first...the chicken, or the egg??  Haha, chickens don't have eggs!  Birds do!
2. What is the stupidest thing you have ever done??  I stole Galadriel's ring.
3. Did you regret doing it??  Nope.  I gave it to my friend.
4. If you were famous, what would you be famous for??  Stealing things.
5. Have you ever been drunk??  What kind of pints were those, anyway?
6. If yes, what were you drunk on??  Pints, silly.
7. Did you do anything stupid while you were drunk??  I think I made out with random blond elves.
8. Are you drunk right now??  I wouldn't doubt it.
9. If you could marry anyone in the WHOLE-WIDE-WORLD, who would it be?  Peregrin Took.
10. Are you sure you want to marry that person?? What if they are not a morning person...or have anger management problems??  Oh, I'm not sure.  But I don't care.
11. Do you want to see Brandon Sipes naked?? Don't lie, we know you do!! Unless you are a guy and you don't sway that way... =)  Who?  Well, it doesn't matter.  I don't date men.  Just elves and hobbits.
12. If you could sleep with anyone in your school, who would you want to sleep with, no strings attached??  What skool?
13. Did Adam and Eve have a belly button?? I mean, they weren't born through an umbilical cord, so how can they have belly buttons?  God gave 'em belly buttons so that they could pierce them.  But then where did the needle and rings come from?
14. How come toast tastes different then regular ole bread??  Microwaves are magical, that's why.
15. If Skittles came from rainbows, then where did M&M's come from?  Rainbows generated by Willy Wonka's chocolate factory.
16. Are you sure you're not drunk??  I saaaaid I probably was.  Am.  Or something.
17. Ever seen the very very end of Toy Story 2??  Buh-bye.  Are we done?  My cheeks are killing me!  Something like that, right?
18. If so then, Hey Howdy Hey, what did you think of it??  *Sniff* The first was better.
19. What is your favorite pick-up line??  Date me or I shoot you with an arrow.
20. Have you ever dyed your hair??  What?  Hair is already dead, stupid.
21. If so, what color/s?  Huh?
22. Do you have a b/f or g/f??  Pippin!
23. Do you think they are hot stuff??  Nope!  But he's super cute.
24. Do you want to jump their bones or do you want them to jump your bones?  Do we both have bones?  I hate this lingo.
25. How do they get the tootsie roll inside of the tootsie roll pop??  Hee hee hee, that sounds dirty!
26. Speaking of tootsie roll pops, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of the tootsie roll pop??  One lick, but you have to keep your tongue on it for a really long time.
27. Give us your best Your Mama joke...  Your mama so old, she sat next to Ulmo in high skool!
28. Do you want sex??  Yes.
29. If so, who do you want sex from??  Hobbits and elves.
30. OK, I am just making sure, but are you absolutely positive about being drunk!?!?!?!  Oh, shut up.
31. Do you hate it when people ask the same question over and over again on a survey??  Yes.
32. Do you hate it when people ask the same question over and over again on a survey??  No.
33. Do you hate it when people ask the same question over and over again on a survey??  I'm not listening.
34. Who is the most annoying person you know??  Take a guess.  (Gimli.)
35. If someone doesn't take a dare, then what should their consequence be??  Kiss an orc.
36. What is your fave number??  69.
37. If your boyfriend/girlfriend could be any animal, what would you want them to be?? (If you don't have a g/f or b/f then use your crush)  A... pan.
38. Do you have a website??  No, but I think Shelob does.
39. Are you pretty fly for a white guy??  I am pretty dumb for an elf girl.  That's what Elrond says.
40. Do you consider yourself a rebel??  REBEL YELL!  WOOT!
41. Do you think you are a player??  What, like a chess player or something?
42. Do you like big butts and you cannot lie??  Like big butts, no.  Cannot lie, no.
43. Are you BIG PIMPIN?!?!?! we are.  What the heck?  Big is an adjective.  And pimping is a verb.  Wouldn't that be pimpin a lot or a big pimp or something?
44. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you wanna live?  Mordor.
45. How do they get the sour cream inside the taco bell burrito?? (hehe)  More importanly, how can I get it out?
46. Are you a good singer??  I don't know.  Legolas told me to to stop singing for the good of humanity.  Is that bad?
47. Can you tie a marichino cherry stem into a knot with your tounge?? we can.  No, but I can tie my tongue into a knot!
48. Can you un-wrap a starburst wrapper with your tounge??  Ew, I hate the taste of paper.  I prefer using the normal way.  My toes. 
49. Do you got SUMMER LOVIN?!?!?!  I don't know what you are saying.
50. For question 50 we decided to ask a really good here it is: What is your name??  Nucristien Eldameldo.  Soon to be Nucristien Took!
51. If you could change your name to anything, what would it be??  I sorta just told you.
52. Who is the best person you have ever danced with at a dance?  Not Frodo!
53. Who is the grossest person you have ever had a crush on??  Haldir.  It lasted two seconds, but only because he had ice cream.  Maybe I just wanted him for his ice cream.
54. What is the wierdest dare you have ever taken??  I usually don't take dares.  I just go ahead and do stupid things!
55. If you could be any soft-drink, what would you be??  Coke.
56. On a scale of 1 to 10 how ditzy do you think you are?? 1 being not at all and 10 being completely...  Five billion.
57. On a scale of 1 to 10 how loud do you think you are, 1 being quiet and 10 being super-loud??  Five billion.
58. Describe your laugh.  Evil and maniacal.
59. Would you consider yourself a brat, princess, pimp, player, nerd, foxy, hottie, homie, gigilo, stupid hooker, spoiled, flirty, pretty, crazy, wacky, preppy, grungy, dirty, punky, chunky, skinny, phat, evil, rebbelious, angelic, skater, playa hata, supa-fly, pretty fly for a white guy, drunk, down wit it, clueless, slutty, prude, or outgoing??  How about fangirl?  And crazy and evil.
60. Must you take someone along with you to go the bathroom??  What kind of creeps do that?  I don't want anyone watching me pee.
61. What do you think is the sexiest animal??  Too many to choose!
62. The sexiest food??  Chocklit!
63. The sexiest kind of underwear??  Boxers.
64. The sexiest color of eyes??  Flaming red.  Just kidding.
65. The sexiest drink??  Blooooood.
66. The sexiest word??  Pussy.  Even if I am straight.
67. The sexiest actor/actress??  Billy Boyd.
68. The sexiest person at your school??  No go skool!  (As evidented by my grammar and spelling.)
69. The sexiest fantasy??  Sex in Galadriel's mirror.  Er, wait.  That should've been my answer to that dare question.
70. Are you just plain DEAD SHEXY??  Dead, who knows?  Shexy, no.  But sexy, YES!  But don't give me high heels.
71. What is the sexiest game??  Spin the bottle!  Although in my experience, it is not sexy with ugly people.
72. The sexiest movie??  Lord of the Rings.
73. The sexiest item of clothing??  Tights!
74. Are you a stud??  I have a stud.  I forget where it goes.  Probably my lip or something, cos it feels like there's a hole there.  Maybe it'll heal up.
75. How about a *SUPA-STAH*??  Please speak normal.
76. What is the sexiest color??  Black.
77. The sexiest song??  Any song by Incubus.
78. The sexiest form of protection??  Being a fangirl.  I can't get pregnant!  Ha-ha!
79. The sexiest place to have sex??  No, this is where I should put the mirror answer!  It's all clear now.
80. If you are a guy, do you think that breasts are sexy?? Why??  If I was, I would, cos I'd be a guy.
81. What was the sexiest question on the quiz so far??  69.  I forget the question, though.
82. What do you think is the sexiest hair style on the opposite sex??  Long.
83. What is the sexiest piece of jewelry??  Ring.
84. Sexiest place to make-out?  Anywhere's fine.
85. Sexiest scent??  Chocklit!
86. Sexiest number??  You're gonna make me say it again?
87. Sexiest thing ever??  Now that's just mean, making me decide something like that.
88. Sexiest sex position??  As long as it's not really painful, I don't care.
89. Sexiest form of rebbellion??  How can rebellion (one b) be sexy?
90. For guys, do you think that 2 girls going at it would be sexy??  Maybe.  GirlMeowth thinks two guys going at it is sexy.
91. Who is the sexiest singer??  Brandon Boyd, cos him and the sexiest actor have the same last name.  And Brandon is a really good singer.  And he's pretty.
92. Sexiest screen name you have ever seen??  I can't really think of any.
93. The sexiest time of day??  Midnight.
94. Sexiest hair color??  Whatever.
95. Are teenage dirtbags sexy??  No.
96. Sexiest TV show??  Sailor Moon.  I think Alan is sexy.
97. Sexiest memory??  Oh just pick any.
98. Do you think straight or crooked teeth are sexier??  Straight, unless we're talking vampires.
99. Do you think that rolling your tounge across your teeth is sexy??  No, just silly.  Licking your lips is another story.
100. What is the sexiest thing you have ever done??  I don't do sexy.  I just AM.
101. Have you ever played Suck & Blow??  I don't think so, but if you hum a few bars, maybe I'll remember if I have!
102. If yes, who did you play it with??  I don't know.  It coulda been a duet, or solo, or- oh, good God!  I can't believe you said that!  I feel so upset.  That I didn't get it at first.
103. Do you like Wild Cherry Pepsi??  I like Coke.
104. Have you ever streaked??  No, but I'll put that on my to-do list.
105. Flashed someone??  Yes, against their wishes.
106. Mooned someone??  No, that's silly.
107. What was the best halloween costume you have ever had??  I was Columbia.
108. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal??  Ew!  And I thought those people who sleep with real animals were weird!
109. DO you have the URGE to herbal??  No.  Elves don't need to wash our hair.  We're always naturally not stinky.
110. On a scale of 1 to 10, how perverted do you think you are, 1 being not at all and 10 being completely.  Five billion.