Got Geek?
Hobbits give up something
I hate these words!
Internet Bumper Stickers
A Lesson on American History
Dumb unRealistic Eerie-Ass iMages
Alternate LotR scenes and quotes
Who's behind this???
Middle-Earth Jokes
Purrsunaulyti Test!
Better Places
Learn Aquarian

One day, Frodo, Sam, and Pippin all died.  For some reason.  They were told they could be brought back to life on one condition- they had to give up what they desired most.
Pippin said, "I'll give up drinking, mainly Pints."
Frodo said, "I'll give up any sort of treasure, mainly gold rings of power."
Sam said, "I'll give up having sex with males, mainly Frodo."
And they were sent to Middle-Earth again.
But while they were walking, they passed the Prancing Pony Inn.
"I can't take it anymore!" screamed Pippin.  He ran inside, came out with a Pint, and POOF! he disappeared.  A little bit later, Frodo saw a gold ring on the ground.
"I must have... my precious!" Frodo exclaimed.  He bent over to pick it up- and POOF! Sam disappeared.