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Memoirs of a fangirl/shipper/slasher

time now: 9:28 you shave? Yesh
2.what do you shave? I shave the whalesh, I shave on thingsh from the shtore
3.why? A DUCK!
4.what colour is your razor? Floyd
5.what size is your bed? Big enough you like it? It's a bed, sure I do!'re going on a date for a walk around the lake then a coffee at a cafe. what do you wear FROM your closet? I'm going on a date!? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
8.Would you go naked in a bathtub with a naked old man/woman with each of you having a bar of soap and soap each other till the bars of soap run out for a million dollars? Yes, if I could be blindfolded. No, on second thought, not blindfolded. No, on third thought, I'd do it for a billion dollars, and if I could pick a rully cute guy to be in the bathtub as well.
9.if you woke up one morning and found out you were going to stay in the body you have now for the rest of your life, what would you think? "Well, there go my powers- wait, I'm not Mystique. I keep forgetting that."
10. letter or e-mail? E-mail, unless the letter is on a cookie.
11.of world war III broke out, what would you say? "..."
12.buttons or boxes? Boxes. You can't keep hot guys in buttons.
13.which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? Suki, this one guy at my school, this other guy at my school, Crazy Chris, Misfit Toy
14.what's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you off? Sweater vests
15. what's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you on? Black t-shirt
16. what do you think of soulmates? Nothing
17.florida or cali? Florida the world screwed? Pretty much, yeah cussing a neccesity in life? In MY %&$#ing life, yep
20.what's an object you can't live without? My computer
21.can you live without the microwave? No way! Then I couldn't make my pasta pronto :P
22.You have this uh, erotic dream about your friend of the opp. sex. how do you act and feel around that friend the next day? I'll probably avoid them
23.would you rather be rich with 15 spoiled brats or just barely making it with a dog? Uh, what kind of dog are we talking here?
24. how's your schoolwork for you right now? SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!
25.what's something someone's done to make you hold a grudge against them? I must not hold grudges very well, b/c I can't think of anything
26.Favorite weather- Ridiculously hot
27.what's one look trait that attracts you to a guy/girl? Long hair
28.what's one personality trait that attracts you to a guy/girl? Funny you know what 143 means? Uh, muffin!
30.who's phone number are you hoping to get? I'll never tell!
31.describe melancholy, if you don't know, then skip this question. When you're sad, because you miss something that once was in your life, but is no more, but you have good memories about it.
32.describe mellow- Just kind of out of it, but in a good way you beleive in ghosts? why or why not? Yes, because, well why not?                                                                                    
34.what time did you sleep last night? 3:00 AM
35.which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now? Crazy Chris. And Akasha. And Misfit Toy. And Walker Boh. And Medemia. And Tink. And GWGumby. In short, I'm going over to the Palisades forum once I'm done with this. it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? *Shrugs*
37.would you rather be married in venice, italy, or honolulu, hawaii? Venice
38.would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life? Depends on what kind
39.(guys) how would you feel if you gave a girl a flower? *Looks down* Nope, doesn't apply
(girls) how would you feel if you got a flower from a guy? Offended! Bitch knows flowers are the symbol of my arch-nemesis, Tuxedo Mask! If it wasn't for that meddling tux-boy, I'd've taken over the world by now! you want to drop school? No, but I want to drop a rully big boulder on school
41.what do you think of the word, "no pain, no gain" ? Which one, no, pain, or gain?
42.what do you think of the quote "eyes are the passageways into the soul" ? Whatever
43.What do you think of sleep? *ZZZZZZZZZ* Huh? What?
44.if you had the chance to slow down your growth now and live to 500 years but it's like a 50 year old body by then, would you go for it? Only if I could have pointy ears too. one point in a girl/guy friendship will one them them like each other even if it's only for a little bit. true or false? Maybe
46.Are you a procrastinator? You're waiting for me to say "I'll fill this in later", aren't you? Well, guess what? I'll never do it! And do you know why I'll never do it? I'll tell you later.
47.waffles or pancakes? Waffles's your cereal in your bowl? Like my sense of humor- dry
49.what's an annoying trait about you? I smell bad or rugby? Yuck, neither
51. hat or visor? Hats are cute skating or rollerblading? Rollerblading
53.(guys) your gf has long beautiful hair which you love, she comes to school the next day with a short crop cut. what do you HONESTLY think? I'm pretty sure this question still doesn't apply to me
(girls) your bf has hair you love. he comes to school the next day with a shiny head. what do you HONESTLY think? Cool, but long hair is still sexiest or burgers? Pizzzaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!
55.what colour is your jacket? Black
56.what's something you ALWAYS have on you? Underwear
57.what do you think of guys with nailpolishes? Cool you stay in bed thinking or do you fall alseep in 5 seconds? Think
59.would you rather go to a boarding school, private school, or an all girls or guys school? Private, I guess
60.there's a high school that'll be on a cruise ship and you have the opportunity to go. it's your last year at school. do you go for it? Nah.
61. who do you want to take with you to the prom? Some guy I know
62. your bf/gf gets drunk at a party. in their state of drunkness, they babble about that one time they fooled around with someone else while you were together. they wake up the next morning with a slight memory that did something stupid. what do you do? Elefino. cyber sex considered cheating? Meh do you react to change? Usually I put in my pocket if it's a nickel, but if it's a penny, I leave it there
65.are you happy? Happy happy joy joy happy happy joy joy
66.favorite berries- Black
67.what's one facial feature you'd like to change about yourself? None you take a shower after a bath? I don't take baths, just showers
69.what's colour's your towel? Zoot
70.what do you think of knuckle cracking? It's more addicting than muffining threads
71.what was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? I forget
72.chalk or crayons? Crayons, they taste better's you happiness level right now? 0 (low)- 10 (high) 7
74. coffee, tea, or me? ;) Coffay!
75.wouldn't you just love to hug someone right now? Who?
76.who was the last person who complimented you? Akasha called my a silly monkey
77.what's wrong with your school? It exists >:D you know what an aphrodisiac is? ............No
79.who do you wish you could kiss? Certain guys I choose not to list
80.movies at home on in a theater? Home, so you can pause and rewind!
81.wanna live in a castle? YES!
82.isn't gondola a cool word? Pretty cool, but luminous is cooler
83.what coat do you wear in the winter? Long black coat
84.(girls)what's something about guys you don't get? Everything
85.(guys) what's something about girls you don't get? Even though this doesn't apply, almost everything
86.who was better in rush hour/rush hour 2? Didn't see either, don't plan to someone said you were hot, what would you think? Poor person must be losing their vision, or not of sound mind
88. you go to your bf/gf's house for the first time and in his/her room, and everywhere is... you. what do you think? Whoa
89.what happens when you hear the word christmas? YAY! Fun fun fun!
90.does being a psycho sound appealing? Kind of
91.what food brings back good memories? Chocolate cereal with marshmellows you talk to yourself? Yes. No. Shut up! You shut up!
93.sun or moon? Sun
94.what's your opinion on love? "Remember what John and Paul used to say." "The Apostles?" "No. The Beatles. 'All you need is love.'"
95.what's a happy memory of a time you've spent with the opp. sex? Dunno
96.would you rather go ballroom dancing or square dancing? Ballroom you think you can afford to lose weight? Sure
98.if you could dye your hair any colour, what would you dye it? Black (check)
99.what's the nicest thing any one has ever told you? Tie between Akasha calling me a silly monkey, and Crazy Chris calling me pointless, and Misfit Toy saying I'd make a cute vampire was the survey? Spoovy (Whatever that means, go to MCF)
time finished: 10:04

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